Do you have Spanish-speaking friends and want to write them an email in Spanish ? Do you need to send emails in Spanish for your work ? Are you going to take an official exam in Spanish (DELE) and want to know how to write different types of emails correctly?
If the answer is Yes to any of these questions, surely this post will interest you a lot. You may not need to write emails, but you are interested in learning how to do it. It is a way to increase your knowledge in Spanish. In any case, read on!
1) The first thing is to decide if the email you are going to write is FORMAL , SEMIFORMAL OR INFORMAL .
You can easily know it by thinking about the person to whom the email is going to be addressed. It can be a friend, a director of a company, human resources staff, a possible contractor for a job, customer service staff, a teacher etc.
2) After having clear point 1 now you have to write. To do this, you should know that there are very useful and typical formulas for each type of email. There is also a structure that you must respect so that your email is a GOOD EMAIL.
3) In addition, you have to know the proper order to write an email in Spanish. This structure is the most common:
a) Initial greeting
b) Presentation and reason for the email
c) Farewell
d) Signature
1. FORMAL emails:
Who are these emails addressed to or in what situations are they written?
Formal emails are addressed to personnel from public and private organizations, to directors or senior positions in a company, or the presentation of your application for a job. You don’t know these people personally, so remember to use the YOU form .
Here are some useful formulas to greet and say goodbye. We also offer you other formulas that can help you according to your needs by writing an email in Spanish:
Formal greetings:
– Dear Sir
– Distinguished Lord
– Mr. Director / Mrs. Director
– Mr. Manager / Mrs. Manager
Formal Farewells:
– A cordial greeting.
– He says goodbye carefully.
– Attentively.
– Cordially.
Normally, before saying goodbye, we put a closing comment . Choose the one that most interests you according to the reason for your email:
For typical questions:
– I look forward to your answers.
– I look forward to your news.
– Please put / n contact me as soon as possible.
To offer help:
– I am at your entire disposal for any questions.
To request comments / opinions:
– I look forward to your comments.
– I await your comments.
To express thanks:
– I appreciate your help in advance .
– Thanks in advance.
– Thank you very much for the information.
Here is an example of formal email :
2. SEMIFORMAL emails:
In SEMIFORMAL emails we can combine some typical formal mail structures but using the YOU form .
We can send these emails to teachers (from university, language schools, etc.) if they are close to the students. Also, these emails are usually written in areas of work between colleagues. In the workplace there is a degree of formality if mail is used in copying (copying other people).
These are some of the most typical formulas . Choose the one that most interests you according to the reason for your email in Spanish:
Para preguntas típicas:
– Quedo a la espera de tus respuestas.
– Quedo a la espera de tus noticias.
– Ruego te pongas/os pongáis en contacto conmigo lo antes posible.
Para ofrecer ayuda:
– Estoy a tu entera disposición para cualquier consulta.
Para pedir comentarios/ opiniones:
– Quedo a la espera de tus comentarios.
– Espero tus comentarios.
Para expresar agradecimiento:
– Agradezco de antemano tu ayuda.
– Gracias de antemano.
– Muchas gracias por la información.
Aquí tienes un ejemplo de email semiformal entre compañeros de trabajo:
3. Los emails INFORMALES:
Los emails informales son los que escribes a una persona de confianza, amigo y/o familiar. En este caso, debes usar el tratamiento informal (tú).
La estructura de estos correos es la misma que la de los correos formales (saludo, motivo, despedida y firma). La libertad que tienes es muy grande porque puedes contar muchas cosas y muy variadas.
Estas son algunas de las fórmulas más utilizadas:
Para saludar:
– ¡Hola (nombre)!
– Querido/a (nombre)
Para despedirnos:
– (Muchos) besos.
– Un abrazo.
– Te echo de menos.
A continuación, puedes ver un ejemplo de un email informal:
In short, to write an email in Spanish you need to adapt to the recipient and the communicative situation.
Depending on whether we are facing a work situation, family, friendly, academic etc. We will choose one of the 3 previous formats.
Finally, you just have to respect a simple structure using the formulas or expressions that best suit what you want to communicate.
We hope our explanation and examples will be useful. If you have any questions, you can write us in the comments.
Thank you very much for reading and see you next time!