¿Cómo hacemos preguntas en Español?

Who? When? Where? How? Why? What? How much?
To ask questions in Spanish we can use the words above ?called interrogative pronouns .
Asking questions is one of the first needs when we learn a new language. It is the way to ask for personal information from others. For example: Where do you live? = Where do you live?
In English these words also exist and have the same use. Here you can see the translation of each one:
– Who? = Who?
– When? = When?
– Where? = Where?
– How? = How?
– Why? = Why?
– What? = What?
– How much? = How much?
As you can see, in Spanish to ask questions we need to put two question marks, one at the beginning ” ¿ ” and another at the end ” ? “. This is a difference with English and French, since they only need the sign at the end of the question.
Here is a list of basic questions in Spanish with each of the interrogative pronouns:
1. What?
– What’s up? = What’s up?
– What time is it? = What time is it?
– What’s wrong with you? = What’s wrong with you?
– What do you think? = What do you think?
– What’s that? = What is that?
2. When?
– When are you coming? = When do you eat?
– When do you finish your work? = When do you finish your work?
– When is your birthday? = When is your birthday?
– When is the concert? = When is the concert?
3. How?
– How are you? = How are you?
– How do you make chicken? = How do you make the chicken?
– How did you get the scholarship? = How did you get the scholarship?
– How do you say “Hello” in Spanish? = How do you say “Hello” in Spanish?
4. Who?
– Who is your father? = Who is your father?
– Who are you? = Who are you?
– Who is the winner? = Who is the winner?
– Who is that singer? = Who is the singer?
5. Where?
– Where do you live? = Where do you live?
– Where are you? = Where are you?
– Where did you meet? = Where did you meet?
– Where is the bank? = Where is the bank?
6. Why?
– Why are you sad? = Why are you sad?
– Why don’t you come? = Why don’t you eat?
– Why are you crying? = Why do you cry?
– Why do you live here? = Why do you live here?
7. How much?
– How much does that cost? = How much does it cost?
– How many children do you have? = How many children do you have?
– How many tickets do I buy? = How many tickets do I buy?
– How many computers are there? = How many computers are there?
This list of questions in Spanish can help you exchange information with Spanish speakers.
To ask correct questions you will need to combine the verbs and know some adjectives in Spanish, so we recommend the following posts: The 25 essential verbs in Spanish and The 50 most used adjectives in Spanish .
With all that knowledge, you can ask questions in Spanish successfully. If you want, you can put them into practice in our comments by asking us any questions, do you dare? ??.
In addition, to continue expanding your knowledge in Spanish, we can help you with our online courses in Learn Speaking .
Good week to all ?