Los 25 verbos imprescindibles en español
25 Verbs you should know in Spanish
Speaking Spanish correctly and knowing all your verbal conjugations is not an easy task.
Verbs, their multiple conjugations and irregularities can be really complicated for students.
You are one of them? If so, this post is for you.
We have created a list with the 25 essential verbs in Spanish to help you focus on your beginnings with conjugations.
The list of essential verbs that we have created below is translated into English and Portuguese for easy understanding.
In it you will find some regular verbs, partially irregular and others totally irregular .
You can see it below.?
With respect to the previous list, we can make the following classification:
Regular verbs in ALL verbal forms:
– Talk
– Must
– Get in
– Write (except the participle -> written)
– To call
– Dance
– Order
– To visit
– Travel
– To work
– Look
– Like
PARTIALLY irregular verbs:
– Exit (1st person sing. Of the present)
– See (1st pers. Sing. Present / pret. Imperfect / participle)
– Walking (past indefinite)
VERY irregular verbs :
– Be
– To be
– Tell
– Come
– To go
– To have
– Do
– To have
– Power
– Put
We believe that this classification can help you realize what essential verbs you should be more careful and better memorize their conjugations.
Also, we want to recommend the page GominoLabs that we like a lot to practice the conjugation of Spanish verbs .
We know that learning verbs is not the funniest thing in the world, so this page turns practice into a game to make this task a little more fun ?.
Finally, if you liked this post you can not miss the list of the 50 most used adjectives in Spanish to complete your learning and combine them with the verbs learned.
We hope you like it ?and see you soon!
Ana and Rosana.