Los 50 adverbios más usados en español

What and what are the most used adverbs in Spanish?
Perhaps you have doubts about the difference between an ADVERBIO and an adjective . It is normal, because they are DIFFERENT . Do you want to understand the difference? In this post, we will explain these differences, what is an adverb and you will know the 50 most used adverbs in Spanish.
Look at the following examples:
Example 1:
My brother has a lot of money in the bank.
Example 2:
My brother has many friends at work.
Example 3:
My brother eats a lot .
Example 4:
My sisters eat a lot .
As you can see, in the 4 previous examples the word MUCH appears .
First, in example 1 and 2 the word changes a lot depending on the word that accompanies it. In our example, a lot of money and many friends . When the word MUCH varies in gender and number, we are talking about adjectives .
On the contrary, in example 3 and 4 the word does not change much , although the subject and the verb do change gender and number (my brother eats / my sisters eat). That is, MANY in these two examples is INVARIABLE, and therefore, it is an ADVERBIO .
Therefore, the adverb is the INVARIABLE part of the sentence that modifies the meaning of the verb, the adjective or another adverb .
– Laura is quite thin (modifies an adjective ).
– Ana ran little on Monday’s race (modifies a verb ).
– Juan works very well in his area (modifies another adverb ).
Also, we can form adverbs by adding the ending -mente to the adjectives ( comfortable mind , quick mind ).
Example 1: Laura works comfortably at home.
Example 2: They work comfortably at home.
In addition, we can classify adverbs according to their meaning as follows:
Classification of adverbs according to their meaning:
– Quantity:
Little, too much, nothing, much, everything, nothing, something etc.
– So:
B ien, bad, better, worse, quickly, slowly, comfortably etc.
– Of time:
Before, now, after, today, tomorrow, then, still etc.
– Of place:
Here, there, there, near, far, inside, outside, around etc.
– Of affirmation:
Yes, no, also, of course, true, indeed etc.
– Denial:
No, nothing, never, never, etc.
– Of doubt:
Maybe (s), maybe, maybe, maybe, probably etc.
Next, we leave you the list with the 50 most used adverbs in Spanish :
What do you think of the list? Useful? If you liked it, you cannot miss our entry of the 50 most used adjectives in Spanish .
With this list and the previous one, you will perfectly understand the use of ADJECTIVES and ADVERBIOS in Spanish and a lot of vocabulary to apply it.
See you soon!