The Spaniards are reputed to be very exaggerated ; that is, we increase or decrease excessively some circumstances or characteristics when we speak. In language this exaggeration is known as hyperbole in Spanish. We like to be expressive even if what we say is not real. And we do it daily. Surely after reading this post you will use them a million times a day!
The topic says that Andalusians are some of the most exaggerated and it may be that this has some truth ?. And although they, the Andalusians, use them very often, in reality all speakers of any language speak constantly in an exaggerated way.
In this post you will learn to recognize and understand some examples of the most common exaggerations in the Spanish language. If you use hyperbole when you speak, you will sound very natural. However, you should not use them too much because you could get the opposite effect.
Many times, the use of hyperbole is for everyday use and is widespread. Other hyperbole are much more creative and are used to mainly make people laugh. We have a list prepared for you with examples of these funny, very original hyperbole. We also share some common hyperbole.
Interesting, right? Keep reading to discover them!
1. I’ve told you a million times that I don’t want to go to that wedding.
2. This car is slower than a turtle.
3. I’m dying to go to the beach. I need sun
4. This man has a heart that does not fit in his chest.
5. Maria was a book eater .
6. This table weighs a ton . I can’t move it
7. Right now I would eat a whole cow.
8. The truth is that my children sleep like marmots.
9. The plane ticket was a sablazo but we had to buy it.
10. Juan got bored like an oyster at the party last night.
Here we leave you some hyperbole in Spanish in visual format:
And here another small list:
1. You repeat yourself more than a garlic yogurt.
2. You spread more than philadelphia cheese.
3. He has more gifts than the queen bee on Mother’s Day.
4. It is more useless than a submarine wiper.
5. You work less than the Tailor of Tarzan.
6. You are more disoriented than a compass in a washing machine.
7. It is longer than Heidi’s childhood.
8. You have more danger than a barber with hiccups.
9. You have less neck than a snowman.
10. Don’t shut up or underwater.
We hope this post is interesting for you and helps you to learn more about our character. Did you know or have you heard some of these phrases before? Now you know a little more about hyperbole in Spanish and you can dare to use this resource safely.
Finally, we want to share our post about Las muletillas in Spanish . This is another interesting resource to sound more natural when you speak Spanish so you can’t miss it!
Thank you very much for reading and see you soon.