Modelo de carta informal para la prueba escrita del DELE B1 En esta sección del blog, iremos publicando ejercicios modelo del examen DELE para que te ayuden con tu preparación. En este post, contamos con la colaboración de …
Contrastes de Rusia por Ekaterina Klueva En este post, queremos compartir un texto muy interesante sobre los contrastes que existen en Rusia. Ekaterina ha querido colaborar con nosotros compartiendo su visión personal, así como algunos aspectos culturales y …
HOW WE EXAGER IN SPANISH THANKS TO HYPERBOLE! The Spaniards are reputed to be very exaggerated ; that is, we increase or decrease excessively some circumstances or characteristics when we speak. In language this exaggeration is known as …
IN THE GYM IN SPANISH Hello dear reader! Do you like sports? Are you living in a Spanish-speaking country and would like to be fit in the gym but don’t know where to start? If the answer …
Spanish antonyms: a useful strategy to learn new vocabulary Knowing new words can be an easy task. However, using those new words can be more complicated. To definitely learn new words it is very useful to create …
25 Adjectives in Spanish equivalent to adjectives with “very” You already know that the wealth of adjectives in Spanish is very large (immense). But perhaps you notice that, when you speak or write in this language, in the …
EMAIL in INFORMAL, SEMIFORMAL or FORMAL Spanish? Do you have Spanish-speaking friends and want to write them an email in Spanish ? Do you need to send emails in Spanish for your work ? Are you going to …
How to become fluent in Spanish? We are not going to promise that you will be fluent in Spanish in 3 months. Generally, if you are not a Romance-language speaker, this is not realistic unless you spend all …
ES BUENO/MALO, ESTÁ BUENO/MALO, ESTÁ BIEN/MAL Seguro que escuchas o lees constantemente estas expresiones con los verbos ser vs. estar. Probablemente entiendes lo que significan en el contexto pero, ¿sabes usarlas correctamente? Quizás tienes dudas (“¿ahora tengo que …
What does it mean to be fluent in Spanish? First, we want to explain the concept of fluency in any language. For what? To better understand the question above and be able to give a concise answer. So …