Diferencia entre los verbos DISCUSS y DISCUTIR
What you think? Do you think these verbs are the same?
In this week’s post we talked about the verb DISCUTIR in Spanish and its “false friend” in English, the verb DISCUSS .
Surely you often use the verb DISCUTIR in Spanish when you want to talk or talk about a specific topic.
However, this verb does not mean the same as the DISCUSS verb in English. Although they are very similar in their pronunciation they have very different meanings.
Therefore, if you have this error frequently and do not really know in which situations you should use each one, look at the following infographic that we have prepared for you.
Then, as you saw, verbs DISCUSS and DISCUSS have very different meanings. It is important that you consider this information so as not to repeat this common mistake among Spanish students.
In addition, there are other verbs in Spanish that also generate confusion between their use and their conjugation, such as REMEMBER and REMEMBER .
On the other hand, we can also find Spanish verbs that have equal use and meaning . If you want to know more about this, you can click on the links above and find out more about them :).
We hope we have helped you understand these differences between these two verbs. From now on you will use them correctly for sure!
If you have doubts with your Spanish and want us to help you improve it, do not hesitate to write to us or to consult our types of courses in the following link .
See you soon!